Monday, November 9, 2009

Proactive Acne

7 Tips For Curing Teen Acne
By Jim Baldwin
Teen acne is a major source of confusion and bafflement to teens across the world. There seems to be little warning when teens wake up, look in the mirror and discover to their horror they have acne.

The first thing a teen should not do is try to squeeze all of the puss out of the pimples. When you discover you have a pimple the first reaction is to want to pop it, but this just makes things worse. To make things even worse, all of that area that the teen squeezed is now loaded with bacteria that can infect other areas, causing more blemishes to crop up.

Teen acne will hit almost every adolescent at some time before reaching adulthood. The short answer is it's the hormones in flux. The childhood body is fighting the adult body that wants to start growing from within.

Suddenly the teens body is flooded with a hormonal push that begins to increase bacterial sweat to start becoming more oily and clogging up the pores in the face, shoulders, and back areas the most. Thus, pimples.

Teen acne can best be warded off by learning a few simple tricks.

1. When washing your face make sure you aren't making the mistake of scrubbing too hard or washing too often. This will only make your skin produce even more oil, which just makes your acne worse.

2. If you are using make-up, stop. Check out what type of make-up you have been using to ensure that this stuff is not feeding the acne. There are natural cosmetics that will not irritate your acne problem that are on the market.

3. Get soap for yourself that is mild for sensitive skin. There are some soaps that are made to fight acne. The important thing is to stop using harsh soaps. They will only serve to be abrasive to the teen acne condition.

4. Remove dead skin cells everyday using a natural exfoliant. Use this as recommended by the brand you purchase. There are many different exfoliants that are made for fighting acne.

5. The bacteria in those acne pores and the surrounding area need to be looked after. In the morning and before going to bed, clean the effected areas using anti-bacterial agents like peroxide, alcohol or creams made for this. It will help kill the bacteria quickly and allow the skin to regenerate itself.

6. Maintain a regimen to fight the acne. You cannot effectively go into battle against teen acne one day then take the next day off. This a warfare. You must stay on top of this acne or else it will win!

7. If you are really serious about getting rid of your acne for good, and keeping it gone you should purchase a full acne treatment system.
Learn how you can get rid of blackheads fast and get Free Samples of Acne Medicine, and more information on how to cure acne.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to acne that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our proactiv acne website.

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