Tuesday, November 10, 2009

When Do You Need Surgery For Acne?

When Do You Need Surgery For Acne?
By Art Blench
During adolescent years, some uncontrollable pimples frequently occur on the face, they may also involve other part of the body, the neck, chest, back and upper arms of the skin.

It is a miserable experience, people may suffer unexpected outbreaks of blackheads and whiteheads on the skin. It ruined the whole day, whole week, but one thing should bear in mind. Acne is only a skin problem, and there is no need to worry about your general health.

I know it may not make you better. But what I am going to tell you, will. It is about prevention and the treatment of acne. Prevention is a very important part of comedone treatment, especially avoidance of picking, moisturizers and harsh soaps. Please remember that Acne surgery is only an adjunct of good medical therapy.

On the other hand, there are several advantages of Acne Surgery which made it popular. First no harmful drugs are involved, so there are no side effects. Second, conducting an Acne Surgery needs less time, the patients may get back to normal activities after the surgery. Third, unlike the medical treatment, separate your skin type, Acne Surgery is effective for everyone

There are mainly two kinds of Acne Surgery, one is called laser acne surgery. This surgery follows several surgical approaches for removing acne lesions. It mainly includes opening up comedones and pimples by using a needle or small pointed blade and expressing the lesions with an extractor.

There are some common risk factors involved with surgery. Severe acne problems may cause deep cysts, inflammation, extensive damage to the skin and scarring. It needs an aggressive treatment regimen and should be treated by a dermatologist. The surgery must be followed up by a course of antibiotics to make sure that it does not cause for further infection.

The other most involved process of reducing acme problems is called excisional surgery. This surgery is used for severe acne cysts to drain and remove them. This process is risky and it is normally not used. This is a more extensive process it should never be performed anywhere except in a sterile environment with a properly trained and skilled professional. This sterile environment will control the spread of bacteria to decrease the risk of infection.

After given it a thorough thought, you should have reached your own mind whether to take the surgery for acne, or not.
I have been bothered by pimple for many years, after reading numerous articles and trying different treatment, I am able to give my sincere advice.You could check more information including special pimple home remedy.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to acne that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Surgery for Acne website.

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